Give your child a head start for a successful future

Hi !

My name is Polina and I'm the founder of "Bright Kids" - Abacus math school in Auckland, New Zealand.
With over 15 years of teaching experience overseas and in New Zealand, I'm passionate about making a change in children's learning. I'm convinced, that first ten years of life shape children brain and influence their learning capabilities for a lifetime.
We can see that kids who completed the programs increased their learning ability by 5 times, they have demonstrated greater concentration, listening ability, analytical skills besides guaranteed imporovement in mathematical powerness.

Why you should join us?
  • Better concentration and focus
    Children who have completed this course have demonstrated greater concentration, listening ability, analytical skills besides guaranteed improvement in mathematical powerness.
  • Enjoy math and numbers
    This enhances the children’s learning ability and enables them to do calculations mentally without the aid of any external tools like calculator, abacus, paper, pen, etc.
  • Do better at school in all subjects
    The mastery of learning skills leads to greater achievements in other academic disciplines.
  • 3 to 5 pupils in a group
    Small groups are the best type of educational format.
About the school

The method is based on our unique understanding of how a child’s brain learns and develops.

Our brains have two hemispheres – the left and right – and each performs different functions.

And when your child masters this left/right brain harmony, they’ll rise to a level of performance far beyond that of their peers.

This scientifically proven method is used in 52 countries and helps children to stay ahead in a competitive academic environment.

Early advantage – lifetime achievement!

Mental Arithmetic is a holistic mental development process based on mental arithmetic system and has yielded truly amazing results.

It is a training program for children in the age group of 5-10 years to enhance their learning abilities and to develop mathematical skills.

Timetable in Auckland, NZ (school terms only)
in groups up to 5 children of 5-10 years old

*Enrollment fee: NZ$70 (one off, covers educational materials)

**30% DISCOUNT for Families

Enroll the second child to our program and pay LESS!

Pre-school classes
(4-5 y.o.)
Timetable in Brisbane, AU (school terms only)
in groups up to 5 children, 5 - 10 years old
Give your child the earliest advantage

4-5 years old is a period of rapid – and critical – development for your child. Their mind is beginning to expand as they begin to explore and make sense of the world around them. They have natural curiosity for numbers and letters and it's the perfect time to support their interest.

At Easy Numbers class they'll use everyday objects to learn about spatial relations, measurements and basic geometry.

Happy Phonics is our unique method for teaching reading by developing learnes' phonemic awarness - the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes. We don't teach letters in alphabetical order, we help them to make sense of the sound each letter is making and start blending letters in words early.

What Our Clients Say About Us
Open your OWN BUSINESS with our support and low investment
Franchise opportunity
What we provide
  • Training for the method, attestation and certificate
  • Ongoing support and supervision for the first 6 months
  • Marketing and sales support
  • Access to all our branded materials
  • First 10 students starter pack kit
  • Lessons scenarious and detailed lesson agenda
What our franchisees say
Get an educational book for my toddler for NZ$29 !
  • Address in Australia

    Mango Hill
  • Addresses in New Zealand
    Greenhithe Village hall
    7 Greenhithe Rd

    Hearts and Minds community centre
    65 Pearn Crescent
    Level 2
  • Contact us by phone, via email or social media
    Phone: +64 22 182 6424
    Also contact us on Facebook and Instagram
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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